WE want to feed you well

Lost Farm is owned and operated by the husband and wife team of Ron and Kelli Abdon.
Four generations of the Abdon Cole family have lived on Lost Farm in northwest Monroe County. 
It provides the inspiration for much of the way we love to eat.

Chef Ron has been a cook, baker and caterer.
Over 20 years of restaurant experience has taught him to prepare delicious dishes with the best safety practices


Love and stubbornness can get a lot done.
~Cole family motto


About Ron

Born in Indianapolis, Chef Ron now makes his home in the hinterlands of Monroe County. He is a 20 year restaurant and catering veteran. Ron also holds the positions of head chicken wrangler and garden assistant on the family farm. He spends his free time cooking up restaurant quality meals for his family using ingredients straight from the family farm and other local producers. An avid bread baker at home, Ron likes to spend the proofing time reading about mythical monsters with his children. He is a lover of hops, tacos, music on vinyl, and looking for cookbooks at used book sales.

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about kelli

Kelli is a Bloomington native and tending the large garden is her favorite job on Lost Farm. It pays her with a bounty of vegetables, herbs, flowers, berries, and melons. One of her favorite parts of the day is spreading out the day’s harvest on the kitchen island and watching Ron turn it into a delicious meal. When she’s not feeding chickens or wrangling weeds, Kelli wrangles two wild and wonderful children, usually out of the mud play corner they’ve claimed in the garden. Kelli is honored to be the latest generation of her family to have stewardship of Lost Farm, and thrilled to share her harvests with you and your family.

We believe that delicious food starts with high quality ingredients. We prioritize finding meat and vegetables from local farms with healthy, sustainable practices.

When the pandemic caused food shortages, we were able to buy basics like meat, milk, bread and eggs without interruption from local farmers and bakers. This was a powerful reminder of why we seek out the best food available locally first. Every Saturday, we start buying the ingredients for our meals at the local farmer’s markets. For those ingredients not available at market, we shop next through the local co-op grocery to help strengthen the local food system for our whole community. We always look for the organic option first. We also prioritize small producers over large corporations if possible. Some of the ingredients come right from our own garden on Lost Farm. Local and organic are not buzz words to us, but a deep commitment we want to share with you.


The food we deliver to you is the food that we serve our family.